Talk to an advisor

Ask questions and find out what we can do for you to prepare your organization for the implementation of DORA requirements.

After signing up, you will be contacted by our consultant.

He or she will find out what your DORA challenges are and arrange a convenient date for a RIG DORA presentation by a subject matter consultant.

The consultation will take 30 minutes.

They trust us

What questions to ask?

Use these examples if you are wondering what to ask.

  • In which format is training provided?
  • Who will I be able to consult during the implementation of your solution?
  • How long will it take me to implement the RIG DORA solution?
  • Can I store documents in RIG DORA? If so, which ones? In what formats?
  • Is the space for data stored in the application limited?
  • Is the application updated/developed?
  • Can I import RCP from an Excel file or do I have to manually enter?